Sunday, October 28, 2012

McFarlane She Spawn 2 Repaint

First off, here's a photo off of McFarlane's webpage so you all know what I'm talking about.


Anyway, I got her about 8 years ago, and over time she's been abused, as with many toys/figures I got when I was a kid. At some point I lost her stand (not pictured), her hair came out, I lost the little tubes, her polearm axe thing snapped in half, and then was lost. I figured its about time I tried to fix her, but first, a few notes.

First off, while I very much enjoy McFarlane figures, I do have to say their quality control isn't the best, and sometimes their accuracy is off the mark (check out their T-1000 for that). Now the accuracy issue doesn't apply so much to this figure since it's their original character, but the QC does indeed. When I was checking her over for base painting I found a lot of fairly bad mold lines, especially on the sides of her torso and legs, which I took care of, of course. The paint job itself isn't too bad, especially considering they're mass produced, but honestly, in some places, it's not so great. *stops self from comparing to Sideshow Collectibles products*

Anyway, so far I've just laid down a base coat of GW's Charadon Granite foundation. I used this because even though I'll be painting her black, the black paint I use (Polly S brand, which is awesome by the way) is fairly thin, and when I tested it over her red, the red showed through quite a bit. This never happens if I use the foundation though, hence why I did. I also had to give her temporary base plates as she has horrid balance without her stand, at least if she is posed as she is meant to be, rather than having the torso twisted to balance her out.

As I said, I plan on painting her black, like Spawn is, of course with the white stripes and red armor. As for the more metal bits, I haven't decided yet, but I'm thinking a rustic look. Anyway, finally, pictures.






Friday, October 26, 2012

Lucy and Other Projects

Sorry it's been longer than I originally said it'd be for an update, but I've been a bit busy as of late. Progress on Lucy is going slower than I'd hoped for, as I've got a few side projects running as well.

The main one being getting started on my Imperial army for 40K. I say Imperial because it'll technically be 3 armies all combined into one, those being Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, and maybe eventually some Grey Knights as well.

At the moment I'm working on some of the IG, just some infantry squads, nothing fancy. The biggest issue was finding a paint scheme I liked and then figuring out exactly how to paint it. I've pretty much got that done though and I've base coated one Guardsmen squad, as that's all I have for the IG at the moment aside from a few random models here and there.

As for the Sisters I already know I'm going to be painting them up as the Order of Our Martyred Lady. The only problem is... I don't have all the colors I need for them, so for now they're just primed and waiting for paint. Just one Sisters squad though, since GW decided to troll Sisters players and stop making boxed sets for them. According to my shopping cart on GW my Sisters part of the army will run me about $1,400, which is insane, so I'm having to look around for used models.

As for the SMs, they'll be painted up similar to Blood Ravens, however they will not be BRs. I haven't bothered to think up a name or anything yet as I'm still working on paint scheme I like. Fortunately I have quite a bit more SMs than the others so I've got more to work on. I haven't divided up squads yet but I've got about 40 'rines, 'bout 10 Assault 'rines, a Rhino, Whirlwind, and Dread. I'm running several options for HQ as well, got 2 Chaps and 2 Cap'ns, all with different gear. I've got a Vet squad too, and if I can find it, somewhere I've got a dusty old Land Raider that I want to convert to a Crusader with bits I've got.

Not for play obviously, but more so just a show model I've got an Emperor Class Battleship too, but I don't play BFG so it's just for show and history I suppose once I write it. Maybe someday I'll try and make a scale version of at least part of it... some day, in the far future.

Once I finish the color prototypes for the IG and the SMs I'll get some pictures up.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Lucy Sculpt

So for some reason I had this urge to sculpt a slime girl, don't ask why, I don't know. I've been meaning to start sculpting again for a while now, and  I suppose a slime girl is an easy way to start again without being to difficult. I don't have any pictures to post right now, but I have gotten some work done. Her mannequin is roughly 8 3/4 inches without her head, which I had yet to start on, and with her base she stands roughly 11 1/2 inches, again, without her head. For the base I'm using spackle based around half of  an old lantern I dug out of the garage. She herself is a mix of plaster, for the core, and once I get some milliput for the mid layer, and then green stuff for the very outer layer and fine details such as her hair, face, hands, etc.

Color wise, she's going to be black, as in a black abyss, with white facial features. Not much else to say about the colors, they're pretty simple. I'll probably end up making her facial features glow, or appear to be glowing rather.

That's it for now, and I'll get some pictures up later, maybe today, if not, tomorrow.